Intro All your
health care
in a single
get in touch...
with CareMe
you will never be alone
It's like you
have your
at home
All your
health care
in a single
get in touch...
with CareMe
you will never be alone
It's like you
have your
at home

Other products by CareMe

As part of the evolution of the tool itself and in order to cover certain more specific needs, some tools derived from CareMe have been developed to cover those needs.

We are talking about products aimed at more specific pathologies and users, such as epilepsy patients or adult/elderly users.


Epico improves the quality of life of epileptic patients and allows physicians to have a better understanding of their patients and their disorder. It consists of an application for the user, a control panel for the physician where to manage the patients and a Cloud service for the communication of information with the official health systems.

The platform allows the user to register seizures and have a record of the duration, type, potential triggers, a description of the associated symptoms and can also be integrated with sleep tracking through wearables. When an event is recorded in the App, the doctor receives a notification so that he/she knows the evolution and can prescribe a better treatment. The App also includes a chat, agenda, news and resources section, etc.


The main objective is to encourage seniors to lead a healthier lifestyle through physical activities with the supervision of a personal trainer. This will be achieved through wearable data collection, a non-invasive, cost-effective and innovative solution, performed in a very passive way, ensuring the maximum possible comfort for the user.

The data recorded by the device are constantly recorded in the cloud through a wireless connection (wifi, 4g, 5g) via cell phone. After processing and analyzing the data, an AI-based software will obtain actionable information and generate individualized training plans. It also helps in the detection and prevention of health risks and allows the user and the trainer to chat through the private chat channel.